Reviews (4)
D. Doyle
May 03, 2021
Bought a 2050 RX several years ago. We have two acres with lots of trees that shed a lot of unwanted branches every year. The 2050 is built like a tank and is up to any challenge I give it. Had hip surgery and was laid low for two years. Am now in the process of tackling the pile shown below which the 2050 has reduced to about half of it's original size.
Dan P.
Mar 26, 2021
Yardbeast is awesome. The 2090 model I got is a brute -- I've turned the trimmings from 100 lavender plants into a pile of fragrant mush in no time. Lots of other fall cleaning too. Very satisfying. Also, I had reason to work with their support team and, I must say, TOP NOTCH. I've never dealt with a manufacturer as customer obsessed and that is saying a lot as I work at Amazon, the most customer obsessed company I know.
Mar 23, 2021
I got the commercial 4521 chipper. I had about 100 trees to cut down varying from small to large. I put most of it through this chipper. Having the higher the 20.5 horse power compared to other 5" chippers at 9-13 HP saved me a TON of time. You can put logs bigger than 4.5" through it but you need to cut them short to not overwhelm the engine.
Elbin Bunnell
Feb 19, 2021